ATT: Marketers And Business Owners Looking To Add An Additional 6,7, or 8 figures To Their Bank Account...


Discover The 41 Visual Split Tests To Scale Any Business Or Offer And Beat Any Control WITHOUT Changing A Single Word Of Copy

Proven By Over 100M+/Year In Sales Across Nearly Every Niche Including:

 Belfort, Think & Grow Rich, Traffic & Funnels, Pup Labs, Science Natural Supplements & More…


Hi, I’m...

Peter Tzemis,

You probably know me from my blog

Where I share the best split tests and rank the world’s best copywriters…

But what you might not know is that…
  • ​I’ve been Jordan Belfort’s email copywriter since January 2021… and have broken every email record at his company…
  • ​​I took an offer to 2M/month on ice cold traffic for 18 months straight
  • I’m one of the only DR guys to sell a business (and I’m currently in the process of selling a second one for 7 figures)
  • ​​The students inside my mastermind supplement millionaire, do over 100M in sales annually
I’ve been fortunate enough to speak on massive internet marketing stages including Affiliate Summit West, Mimosa Mastermind, and at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)... 

And write a #1 bestselling book in 3 different categories...

But unlike other marketers who make a living selling courses…

I make my living from actually doing the work, in the real world, with 5 of my own companies.

And in this short letter...


I’m Going To Pull Back The Curtain And Reveal My Anti-Copy Conversion Secret Responsible For Over 100M/Year

The same conversion secret that has helped personally sell over 60M online…

Work with celebrities like Jordan Belfort...

And help my private clients sell over 100M every single year.

It has nothing do with the copy. 

In fact you won’t have to chance a single word of copy...

And I'll show you how, with these 41 visual split tests…

You can beat any control…

Triple your bottom line (even if you’re already printing money)

Go from in the red, to printing money in the green…

And build the business of your dreams. 

But first let me tell you how I discovered the 41 visual split tests...

Because life wasn’t always like this. 

A few short years ago, I had nothing. I was no one. And I could barely write copy, let alone scale a business.

I was floundering. Barely making money, trying to launch business only to fail over and over again.

I tried it all. SEO, freelance copy, ghostwriting, media buying…

Heck I even launched my own CBD brand (which failed miserably).

And I was at a loss.

Just a few years before I was on top of the world. I had sold my business at 22, straight out of university and thought I had made it. 

And now I could barely make a buck online.

I knew it was a low moment when I applied to a writing job at a sports newscenter in Toronto, Canada. 

Then everything changed.

I was hired by Traffic & Funnels as a junior copywriter.

The catch? I would only get paid if I could beat their control.

And now this wasn’t any control.

And this wasn’t just any offer.

It was the inbound closer offer. The same offer that was already doing 500k per month on ice cold traffic.

It was written by 2 of the best in the world…

Dan Ferrari & Robert Bennet.

And I had to beat it.

I knew by looking at the copy, I wouldn’t be able to beat it. It was flawless.

And printing $500,000 per month already

For 2.5 months I tried every marketing angle under the sun…

New headlines…



Every single one failed

I was at a loss. 

If I didn’t beat the control, I would have no money coming in, and I needed cash. 

But really it was more than that.

I had two choices:

beat the control or leave internet marketing And get a 9-5 job

But really, it wasn’t a choice. 

I had spent my whole life being online. And I wasn’t about to quit now. 

And so I remember sitting down one night, and asked myself probably the most important question of my career.

A question that would make me a millionaire just 2 short years later…

Launch 5 companies…

And become the go to authority on beating controls and split testing.

I asked myself:

"How Do You Beat A Control WITHOUT Changing The Copy"

I started to study other funnels, offers, and VSLs everyday.

And little but little, I started to notice patterns. 

The highest grossing offers, regardless of the niche…

All had certain elements in common.

(I would later call these elements conversion cinematics, but we’ll get to that in a moment)

Day by day I started to make a list of these 41 visual split tests…

And understood they had one thing in common.

The longer you hold a prospect's attention, the more likely they are to buy. It's Called:


This was the secret to every big promo ever created.

But this isn’t new information. 

What was new was the WAY attention was retained.

Because the copy and/or marketing messaging was simply one avenue of attention retention.

There were others.

In fact I discovered 41 other visual split test strategies over the years.

And every time I implemented them, I beat the control. 

Without changing the copy.

That’s exactly what happened at traffic and funnels, when I told them…

“Let’s try redesigning the upsell page”

No copy changes.

Just a simple re-organization. 

Traffic & funnels was not thrilled. 

But they gave me one last shot.

And then Sunday morning, I got this text from Rob, the copy chief…

Pete, you beat the control - holy shit, I think we’re gonna scale to 2M/month with this new AOV”

Yes, my simple page redesign added about $22 to the AOV…

And along with a few other changes, allowed us to open the floodgate to 2M/month.

But more importantly that began my new journey of beating controls over and over again without changing the copy. 

In fact my entire blog was built around this entire moment, as you can see from my very first post a few years ago:

Traffic & funnels was just the beginning.

For the next 2 years I made a name for myself beating controls for some of the biggest names, including Jordan Belfort.

I couldn’t be stopped. 

No matter what niche, no matter what type of offer or copy…

I was systematically able to beat any control.

I got to speak on multiple stages, sharing various conversion cinematics 

Not one, but two of the business owners I beat controls for...

became my business partners.

And together we launched a variety of businesses, most notably my supplement mastermind.

The supplement millionaire mastermind has nearly 50 supplement companies.

Some are just beginners.

Others are doing 7-8 figures per month.

The networking is amazing, but the real magic comes from something else.

The data. 

With 50 different companies, across 30+ supplement niches…

That’s 100M/year in sales feeding me DATA on how to beat a control and bulletproof my split tests.

how to beat a control and bulletproof my split tests.

For 18 months straight, I haven’t put out a losing piece of copy. 


Because I have more data than anyone else on what it takes to beat a control and scale.

I started doing some consulting on the side, and all of my students and clients started to crush it, many hitting 8 figures

That’s when I knew I had to put this conversion secret out in the world...

Not because I’m some saint (I’m making a lot of money off this course).

But because I believe that internet marketers and entrepreneurs have a unique power to shape the world for the better.

And when you have an amazing product, you should have all the leverage possible to get it into the hands of your prospects.

That’s what I’m giving you today.

The chance the impact the world (and get ridiculously rich in the process)


Conversion Cinematics

It’s the world’s first and only rolodex of visual split tests with over 100M/year in sales that helps you beat your control, without changing the copy.

Yes, you heard that right, without changing the copy.

That means no paying overpriced copywriters or toying with Chat GPT to get a small boost in conversions. 

And for the freelancers out there, that means easy “beat your control” deals where you don’t have to write copy and cash in BIG. 

It’s broken down into 7 modules...

Module 1: VSL & Webinar Conversion Cinematics

This is where it all began. 

In this module you’ll get all 22 conversion cinematic elements you need to scale your business to 1, 2, even 10M a month. 

You’ll also learn…
  • ​How to get a 110% boost from your VSL without changing the copy.
  • Split test #19: Speed warping - Get a 10% bump in CVR without changing a single word of the copy. This takes less than 5 minutes to do and can be used on every ad, VSL, and upsell you have. 
  • The exact frequency to add b-roll, jump cuts, and musical transitions to keep viewers engaged.
  • ​When you should use high-quality products and when you should use your iPhone for maximum money making (this can make or break your VSL)
  • ​​How to use conversion cinematics to shape the world and persuade anyone to do (almost) anything you want…
  • ​​When and how to use “tailored omission” to legally mind control your prospects buying emotions 
  • ​The TikTok swipe that helped me get a 22% boost in CVR overnight (this can be done in any niche, and takes less than 1 hour)
  • ​How to choose the right spokesperson
  • ​Which voice over accent works best: Canadian, Australian, American, English? The answer will surprise you
  • ​When to have a doctor as your spokesperson and when not too (get this wrong and you'll destroy conversions)
  • ​Alpha Videos: what they are, how to use them, and how they increase conversions by 23%+
  • ​Niche specific changes - this black-book conversion technique isn't for the faint of heart, but guarantees conversion boosts (use at your own risk)
  • ​And much, much more...
Without a doubt, this module alone is worth the entire investment in the course…

Because in just 60 short minutes, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to smash any control and scale to the moon...

All without changing a single word of copy.

If you’re a client this can TRIPLE your ROAS allowing you to unlock scale 

And if you’re a freelancer, you can get paid handsomely for doing almost no work (and your clients will happily pay because they’ll see such an increase in ROAS)...

But once again, we didn’t stop here…

I'm serious about making Conversion Cinematics the ultimate beat your control masterclass. Which is why you’ll also receive...

Module 2: YT & FB Ads Conversion Cinematics

What good are offers if you can't get traffic?

Well this module will teach you all the strategies I personally use to write, direct, and create winning YT and FB ads that have scaled millions of dollars in sales.

Rigorously tested with multiple 8-figures in revenue, these 22 conversion cinematics are foolproof and will beat your control without fail. 

You’ll also learn…
  • ​How to prime your reader with emotional power punches to unlock the most primitive level of your prospect’s brain and hypnotize them to take action
  • ​The double post production combo that helped improve our YT ads by 100%
  • ​The 4 horsemen of YT: How to extend the life of an ad by 1000% and scale to the moon (we use this exact same technique to run one ad for 6+ months straight at 500k/mo in ad spend without a drop in ROAS)
  • ​When and how to use timers to maximize Attention Retention and improve CTR
  • ​The clickbait intro strategy to turning a winning ad, into 50 creatives
  • ​The correct Br0ll, Ar0ll, and music strategies to mind control your prospect so they watch your entire ad and buy from you
  • ​And much, much more
Combined with the lessons you already put into action from module one, when you finish this section, you’ll be in possession of a powerful one-two punch of PROVEN video conversion cinematics that scale your offer

And regardless if you're a complete newbie or an experienced marketer…

Once you go through these first 2 modules, I guarantee you’ll be on track to make more money and acquire more customers profitably. Period.

But I set out to make Conversion Cinematics the most detailed storytelling course around… 

Which is why you’ll also learn about… 

Module 3: TSLs, Landing Pages, Ecom, Shopify, & Upsells

This is where the rubber meets the road. 

In this module, you’ll discover the 19 conversion cinematic elements on every single text sales page…

Whether it’s ecom, shopify, upsells, or long form…

Each conversion cinematic element helps you retain customer attention, and print more money without changing the copy. 

You’ll also discover…
  • ​The little-known secret to transforming dull, lifeless sentences into action-packed sequences that can’t be ignored (without changing the copy)
  • The “ limbic brain ecom design” to effortlessly hook your prospects into saying yes - near instantaneously...
  • How to suck your reader into a vortex of imagery that keeps them hooked like addicts to your story. 
  • ​The right and wrong colours to use for every niche (get this wrong and you'll destroy conversions)
  • ​Trust triggers: what they are and when to use them for maximum AOV
  • ​How to create a winning offer structure (and when to test new ones)
  • ​Pop ups: how to make them, what to include, and when should they pop
  • ​Buy Box mastery: a breakdown of the highest converting buy now box and the 10 elements you need to include
  • ​The upsell redesign that increased CVR by 420% and AOV by $29
  • ​How I'm getting 43-48% take rate on my text based upsells
  • ​And much, much more
Better still, after watching this module…

You’ll have at your finger-tips the definitive, step-by-step checklist to create blockbuster landing pages your market simply cannot help but buy from.

All of these conversion cinematics, incorporated strategically, can give you (or your client) MASSIVE boosts in ROAS, AOV, CVR and profits.

Module 4: Checkout Pages and more.

This course wouldn't be complete, if I didn’t break down the most overlooked conversion pages on the internet…

These include checkout pages, thank you pages, forgot your password pages and more…

And when done right, they can add up to 30% of bottom line revenue. 

Inside, you’ll also learn…
  • ​The #1 mistake checkout page mistake make that tank conversion rates faster than the Titanic
  • 2 step vs 1 step? When to use each one to maximize conversions
  • The hidden “exit ramps” on your checkout page that burns conversions to the ground
  • How to create winning order bumps and when to avoid them at all costs
  • ​​Close: Time to bank your reader’s trust for maximum conversions (and unlock eye-popping AOVs)
  • ​The 11 checkout page conversion cinematics that maximize AOV and CVR (proven by over 100M in sales)
  • ​And much, much more
This is the secret sauce that some of the biggest DR companies use to separate themselves from the pack and scale offers to 1000s of buyers a day…

And by the time you’re finished with this module… You’ll NEVER again struggle to beat a control.

Module 5: Emails

Next is emails. Most people think that branded, ecom style emails are the way to go.


Yes, if you do them correctly you can make some money.

But there is a delicate balance of conversion cinematic elements that need to be in place to maximize conversions. 

In this module you’ll discover…
  • ​The best font size for the email CTA to maximize conversions (yes, it's different then the body copy)
  • ​How to instantly make 23% more money from every email you send (without changing the copy)
  • ​1 email split test that increased email revenue by 40% (swipe this)
  • How to design clicky-images that skyrocket CTR and CVR
  • ​The correct number of links to include in every email to maximize deliverability
  • ​What to do if you hit spam (and how to get out of it)
  • ​The best email design for maximum profits
  • ​And much, much more...
I promise that once you go through this module, you’ll be able to inject rocket fuel into every single of your emails to dramatically increase conversion rate and your income…

All without changing a single word of copy.

Module 6: Branding & Labels

Last but not least is branding. The most overlooked, yet highest needle mover in any business.

Don't believe me?

Recently we tested the same copy, same sales pages design, everything…

And the only thing we changed is the branding of the product…

The difference?

+ 115% CVR
+ $36 AOV
+ 1M in sales (and growing)

Just from from following my conversion based branding strategies.

You'll also learn...
  • My product naming strategy to create wildly loyal buyers and improve brand conversions
  • ​The best "conversion colors" to use for your unique offer and niche
  • ​Breakdown of 7 brands and how they all use converion cinematics to maximize CVR, AOV and profits
  • ​And much, much more...
It goes without saying, that...

It goes without saying, that...

With just one module, you’ll be able to inject rocket fuel into every single of your VSLs, ads, and pages to dramatically increase conversions, AOV, and profits...

WITHOUT changing a single word of copy.

If you’re a client this can TRIPLE your ROAS allowing you to unlock scale 

And if you’re a freelancer, you can get paid handsomely for doing almost no work (and your clients will happily pay because they’ll see such an increase in ROAS)...

But once again, we didn’t stop here…

I’m serious about making Conversion Cinematics the ultimate beat your control masterclass. 

Which is why…

On this page only, the first 100 people will get...

5 exclusive bonuses to maximize profits, AOV, and scale...

Bonus 1: Interview with Hollywood Director Gary Goldstein

Ever seen Pretty Woman? The film that made $463M? That was Gary. 

And in this exclusive interview, you’ll discover…
  • 3 questions you need to ask to troubleshoot a flat, uninteresting story and turn it into a Hollywood-worthy blockbuster.
  • ​How to test your copy so you know it's going to be a blockbuster BEFORE launching
  • The real reason pretty woman did 463M (hint: it's not the script or the director)
  • To create a 9 figure experience fro your customers so they have no choice but to buy from you
  • ​The untold story of how FedEx discovered their unique mechanism and became a 22B/year company (swipe this)
  • ​And much, much more...

Bonus 2: Interview with my 450M VSL editor, Mr. X.

Mr. X is responsible for some of the biggest VSLs online and has worked with some of the biggest brands on the planet including Miami MD, VShred, Gundry & more. 

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn…
  • ​How to create a 1m/week VSL without anyone talking face-to-camera
  • ​The best type of music to use to light up the neurons in your prospects brain that forces them to pay attention to your messaging
  • ​How often you should change up the music in the VSL or video ad 
  • ​When and how to use visual pattern interrupts, and when not to (screw this up and you can kiss sales goodbye)
  • ​The 3-1 rule: how to maximize the conversions of your VSL without changing the copy
  • ​The trust about post production and how much it really moves the needle on your VSLs, Webinars, and ads
  • ​And much, much more...

Bonus 3: Interview with Peter Kell - the #1 VSL in the world. 

Peter Kell helped build Miami MD from 0-40M in a single year. And now he currently leads Mindvalley, who are on pace for 1B. 

Not to mention he holds the title for #1 VSL on the planet, multiple years in a row...

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn…
  • How to create blockbuster VSLs, by swiping from other industries
  • ​The best VSL structures, leads, and closes to make 1M/week VSL
  • ​The #1 most important factor to scaling a VSL to 8 figures and beyond (hint: it has nothing to do with the copy)
  • ​How to go from 0-40M in 12 months with a single VSL
  • ​And much, much more...

Bonus 4: AI VSLs and content with Stefan Banika.

Stefan is one of the hidden gems of the IM world, working with Jordan Peterson, Alex Hormozi, and now my own brands. 

In this exclusive interview, you’ll learn…
  • How to use AI voice over to test new leads and ads lightning fast (without spending a fortune on doctor's or voice over actors)
  • ​The Visual Repetition Strategy to build deep emotional trust with your prospect 
  • ​How to identify the best "story moments" in your copy to pull some strings and ramp up the emotional firepower (and make some serious $$$ in the process).
  • ​Stefans 2s video rule to maximize profits, AOV and conversions (he learned this when he was working with Alex Hormozi & Jordan Peterson)
  • ​And much, much more...

Bonus 5: Conversion Cinematics Rolodex

Last but not least, I wanted to give you my rolodex of ads and VSLs. 

Every swipe-worthy marketing piece I have found out there is yours, for free. 

Studying this rolodex alone will make you more money than you ever thought possible.

So given all that...  

How Much Would This Be Worth To You?

To be able to systematically beat controls, increase profits, and skyrocket sales to 8 figures a month.

Imagine being able to swipe and deploy 41 different split tests, proven to beat the control...

Imagine how much faster you would scale? 

Imagine how much more profit you could make - whether you're a freelancer or business owner.

Previously the only way to get access to these money printing split tests was to pay me for my private consulting... 

Which costs $24,000.

So it makes complete sense for me to charge at least $20,000 for this course, especially since....

Just one conversion cinematic's
split test can make you millions...

But I realize that if it weren’t for a few lucky breaks I wouldn't be here today.

Which is why I can’t justify you paying $20,000 for this information 

Even though we can both agree it's worth it. 

Heck, I’m sure we can both agree that even at 5k this, this is a steal!

It's a no-brainer.

But today, and today only on this page, you can try it risk-free, not for 5k...

Not for 3k...

Not even for 2k...

Incredibly, you can get the ENTIRE Conversion Cinematics Course...

All the story swipes, templates, and over-the-shoulder video trainings...

Plus the 5 A-list interviews...

And all 41 Conversion Cinematic split tests...

For a one-time payment of just $997…

(Or 2x payments of $597).

And to make sure this is an absolute no-brainer for you… 

You're Protected By My 100% Beat Your Control Guarantee

So here’s the deal:
I want you to test drive Conversion Cinematics risk-free. 

Tear into all the cinematic conversion strategies and put into action everything you learned…

And if it doesn’t make you more money, or beat your control..

Or heck if you aren’t absolutely THRILLED for any reason…

I will personally get on the phone with you and work with you until you beat your control and receive double your money back in value.
So even if you’re just a little bit curious about Conversion Cinematics...

You might as well invest in it today. 

That way you can go through the modules and decide if it’s a good fit!

There’s no risk on your end at all.

Go ahead, click the button below and say “YES” to Conversion Cinematics right now...

YES! I Want To Use Conversion Cinematics To Beat My Controls And Scale My Offers To 2M/Month+
(Give Me Instant Access Right Now!)

Here's What Happens After You Click The Buy Now Button

Right after you hit that button, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page that looks like this...
That has the same 256-bit encrypted technology that Apple, Google, and Microsoft all use to protect their customer’s sensitive data...

Once you fill out all your information, and your credit card info…

Just hit the “complete my order” button…

And you’ll get instant access inside Conversion Cinematics

Which means 5 minutes from now…

You can be swiping all the conversion cinematics elements and implementing them into your existing marketing to start printing more money…

Plus you’ll get all the conversion boosting bonuses you need to take your business to the next level.

And regardless of where you find yourself standing right now…

Adding The RIGHT Conversion Cinematics Has The Unbelievable Power To...

beat any control and turn any campaign into a money printing machine.

I’ve seen it time and time again with my own brands and my 50 mastermind clients.

And now, for the first time, you have the chance to master this coveted skill… 

And learn the conversion cinematics secrets from over 450M in data points.

And I promise, if you follow the program your life and business will change faster than you ever thought possible…

Because in literally 5 minutes from now, you can soak up all the tactics like a wet sponge…

Implement them into your business (or your clients business)

And in less than 1 week - have a new control that’s scaling…

Because you have the secret weapon to convert better than anything else out there.

And then, like clockwork…

Every piece of copy you put out converts 3x better…

Bringing in more revenue and money…

So you and your business can soar to new heights... faster than ever before.

Because you finally have the ONE thing to do it… 

Predictable, repeatable conversion cinematic split tests that harnesses the power of the most important money making factor in existence:


(and is backed by over 100M/year in sales)

I believe in this program, and I believe in you…

So If you’re ready to scale your business to new heights and transform your income and life…
Click that “YES” button below right now…

I’ll see you inside!


YES! I Want To Use Conversion Cinematics To Beat My Controls And Scale My Offers To 2M/Month+
(Give Me Instant Access Right Now!)

Normally $4997

Today Only $997

Or 2 Payments Of $597

P.S. Listen, I know this is the part of the letter where I’m supposed to tell you how terrible your life is going to be if you say no today…

But I won’t do that...

Because you already know what the next 12… 24… 36 months of your life are going to look like if you say no today...

Probably a lot like the past 12 months. 

Because the truth is, regardless of where you find yourself standing right now…

Conversion Cinematics have the unbelievable power to turn any campaign into a money printing cash machine.

And now, for the first time, you have the chance to steal this coveted skill… 

All that’s left is for you is to make a decision

Scroll up and join us inside conversion cinematics now!
P.P.S Still here?

You might be on the fence – and have a few questions.

No problem. Let’s go through the most frequently asked questions we get about writing stories

YES! I Want To Use Conversion Cinematics To Beat My Controls And Scale My Offers To 2M/Month+
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